

Provision for healthy communities based on its inhabitant's shared resources and strong interconnectivity in human ecology, taking no more benefit than needed before reinvesting the surplus, encompassing the Buddhist notion of Giving Back.

As a design, build, operate hospitality enterprise, The Harmony Project takes an active interest in the interconnectivity of traditional permaculture as a model for the symbiosis among healthy human communities, care of the earth, her people, and to provide a fair share among all of the elements towards the goal of wholeness.

Destinations we have designed, built and operated encompass transient and residential accommodations, agriculture, retail, wellness and health, restaurants, and a culture of visual, performing culinary art and learning centers.

Vibrant human interconnectivity generates an authentic community experience for the sojourner, a rewarding workplace for the employee, and meaningful neighborliness among the citizenry. Farm-to-table, wellness for staff and travelers, art and learning centers offer opportunities to demonstrate the interconnectivity teachings of permaculture.

These endeavors are not constructs but rather operational practices that demand a creative, highly motivated employee workplace culture with a robust set of shared values and expectations, the equivalent of a Green Set of Hands, not just a Green Thumb in Permaculture terms.


VIDEO: Examples of incorporating Fair Share into a Harmony Project at Gibb’s Farm, Tanzania:

  • Provide training & experience for employees to transfer practices back to the community for the collective economic benefit.

  • Example sustainability for the community to emulate.

  • Purchase produce from the community to augment property farms to engage the economy while specifying sustainable farming standards.

  • Engage in community-building events and regular activities such as lunchtime, volleyball, tea time, inclusive staff meals.

  • Recognizes indigenous medicine with an integrated Primary Healthcare staff clinic.

  • Engage in community education advancement, connecting travelers with the opportunity to participate.