Commemorating the 51st Earth Day in 2021 is significant when occurring at the workplace.


Earth Day is a celebration for the workplace. Its purpose is to help participants better understand how the historic nature of the global event has influenced public opinion, personal and one’s company actions. 

It could start in a brochure form as an Ecology Walk for the public to highlight workplace practices. Examples could include: recycling, composting, energy conservation and generation, local produce propagation and utilization, LEED and ecological building achievements, employee (and clientele) wellbeing programs, examples of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) contributions, and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) role-modeling.  [Plenty of resources exist, such as at Center for Responsible Travel (CREST),  Sustainable Hospitality Alliance Organization, and Green Key.]

Next, select recent Ecology Walk brochure achievements to celebrate and facilitate an employee steering committee to stage a daylong competition and festival. The global Earth Day theme for 2021 is Restore Our Earth. Allow me to share a few completed example activities in both Tanzania and Costa Rica. Each are based on authenticity and indigenous culture. Below is an example Ecology Walk brochure:

Wall Painting — Small workplace teams are created to paint assigned walls which are highly visible to employees, perhaps around the staff canteen or lockers. An obvious theme for this year is Restore Our Earth. The Earth Day organizing committee may judge 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, or Best Artistic Execution, and Best Teamwork.

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Ecology Walk Rally — Small workplace teams are assembled to participate in a rally to test ecology-knowledge. As they sprint their way though the course, pre-prepared questions are voiced by the martial at each stop, or in printed A&Q worksheets. Team members debate and write their best answer down. When all teams have returned to the starting area, times are recorded and each team present to the employee audience to determine the winners.

Questions might include: ways to reduce carbon footprint and energy usage, preferred ways to dry clothes, plant water filtration facts, the purpose of large windows in every hotel guest room, name the multiple gardens in the property, solar water heating facts, steps for separating refuge, and recent environmental awards received.  


Refuge Sorting Race — Various forms of recyclable materials are placed in front of labeled recycling bins. The team sorting with the best accuracy wins. The following video shares the recyclable and wall painting events in Costa Rica.


Staff A cappella — Entertainment can be provided during the award luncheon by the staff A cappella performing rehearsed songs: love the earth, mutual respect, accountability, and similar inspiring themes.


Ecology Literacy — Conduct field classes in the property gardens and examples of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) contributions.

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Celebrate Winners With Plant Seedlings — Nurturing reforestation seedlings is an excellent reenforcement for the Earth Day winners.


Celebrating the 51st Earth Day in the workplace is an excellent way to empower staff leadership to utilize authentic indigenous culture and recognize workplace achievements in Restoring Our Earth and demonstrating SDG and ESG higher standards. Let the competition begin!

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