
"All life is one. One rythem, with near-infinate variations". Reg Saner

Rather than simply limiting economic growth or reducing our impact, we celebrate the legacy of an area’s ecology. 

Most traditional medicine is rooted in nurturing environments. Wholesome environments support health.  We find that when we approach our business by asking, "How can we grow prosperity, celebrate our community, and enhance the health of all?" the results are far more positive and enriching.  We do not measure performance against a single bottom line standard.  

Our model is different because it reintroduces indigenous life instead of replacing it with something else.  It sustains indigenous life through honourable use of the place, of indigenous knowledge, and by educating visitors how to use it.  This is a shift from the triple bottom line to the Triple TOP Line — a concept which moves accountability to the beginning of the operation, design process and assigning value to a multiplicity of economic, ecological and  social questions.

When designing or repositioning a property, McDonaugh’s Fractal Triangle model helps to map the multiple elements supporting the Top Line. See example graphic below for the Gibb’s Farm, Tanzania, a Harmony Project property transformed from 2004 to 2010 utilizing this tool. Video at top, right highlights many of these attributes.

McDonaugh’s Fractal Triangle model applied to Gibb’s Farm, Tanzania

McDonaugh’s Fractal Triangle model applied to Gibb’s Farm, Tanzania


Example Website for Gibb’s Farm Tanzania, regarding the elaboration its sustainability achievements.

VIDEO: Sustainable practice highlights listed in the Fractional Triangle tool below for Gibb’s Farm, Tanzaina.

Earth day staff facility wall painting competition 2014 at Gibb’s Farm, one of many organized by the staff committee.

Earth day staff facility wall painting competition 2014 at Gibb’s Farm, one of many organized by the staff committee.
