Maasai indigenous Tanzanian healer conducts cross-cultural classes among three different neighboring tribes.

Maasai indigenous Tanzanian healer conducts cross-cultural classes among three different neighboring tribes.

The vibrant and healthy lifestyle practices of select indigenous cultures are a resource drawn upon by its people for wellbeing and harmony.

We approach each project with gratitude for the opportunity to create a place that honors the sacred nature of the whole web of life celebrating the inter-connectedness of all people, plants, animals the heavens above and the ground beneath our feet.  Each enclave is a Resource for Life, comprising a supportive surrounding culture and community to honor that resilient web by supporting permaculture, traditional local ingredients to enhance the wellbeing therapeutics, the use of indigenous arts and the friendship and deep wisdom of resident and neighboring teachers.

The vibrant and healthy lifestyle practices of select indigenous cultures are a resource drawn upon by its people for wellbeing and harmony.

Indigenous cultures and biospheres are called upon to teach and serve as a reservoir of continual knowledge.  Learning doesn’t conclude upon graduation or check-out, rather the student becomes a life-learner.  Understanding of each sojourner’s sense of purpose teachers create a bridge for the sojourner to become enriched by a balance of enlightenment, health and harmony engage in a life-long quest drawn to reservoirs of inspiration, knowledge, and for some, spirituality.  Examples include libraries and media, teachers, religion, fine art, performing art, gastronomic art, teachers, healers, and environmental experiences.

The surrounding culture is supportive when its authenticity is embraced. Cultural Authenticity determines cultural intelligence. Culture intelligence is the idea that culture is made up of cultural systems which innately have their own intelligence and functionally. In other words, the culture is the expert on itself and can be instructive and a resource when comparisons are drawn.

Utilizing the lessons of a particular cultural's authenticity allows its cultural systems and indigenous knowledge to become a resource, engaged and instructive.  The strength of the cultural systems are their inter-consecutiveness.

Significantly, indigenous culture’s and their societal norms, systems and modalities, oral history and legends, philosophers, permaculture and wellbeing practices, offer confirming context and dialogue.  All become a resource for the quest to fill the elixir bowl of ignorance — a Resource for Life.


Examples of Eight Resource Points:

  • Integrated Clinic for Wellbeing — a union of allopathic & naturopathic medicine puts the sojourner at the center and addresses the full range of physical, mental, social, spiritual & environmental influences.

  • Art In Life — inspirational and healing role of art in life is attained, a curated body of fine art — visual, audial (& performing) — is commissioned unique to one’s accommodation for a cumulative and prescribed effect: art is medicine; works available for acquisition.

  • Culinary Institute — learning food is medicine and nutritional therapies

  • Personal Journeys — journey provides a guided, intimate, authentic connection between inner and outer environment.

  • The Living Museum — the sojourner is no longer in transit and becomes a resident and lives amongst the healers, artists, farmers, and community, in a place with a Sense of History as a participant, and not just an observer of the daily life of the local culture, a cathartic instrument to achieve an ever engaged enriched lifestyle.

  • Living It Employees — employees are empowered to look for ways to contribute more, possess a burning desire to improve outcomes, not only for themselves but for the entire team as well and sojourner.

  • Estate activities announced and not announced

  • Take-Home / post-departure resources — option to practice and engage in on-line resources: access to a confidential, ongoing comprehensive health assessment with individualized dashboard that includes one’s wellness score/peer average, risk factor status, goals and action steps progress.