Integrated WELLBEING

If there is a fault line in the global spa market between the "bigger is better spa” and “trend catchers” it would run right through a Harmony Project. There are alternatives to vast square meters and number of treatment rooms and “trend catchers” or trendy modalities and interior designer themes —neither may no longer be necessary.

The sincerely seeking sojourner is one who ventures out to find and embrace that which brings lasting happiness, health, and inspiration, knowing that it is really an inner journey homeward to the heart. Many wellness orientated retreats venture to satisfy this quest and its needs.  But, outside of its confines, rarely does the surrounding culture support anything beyond the standard destination spa experience.  

Integrated Wellbeing embraces the concept of taking a journey into both the outer environment and into one’s inner environment at the same time, guided by highly-experienced teachers and healers.  In the process one can only be in one place: in nature, naturally.  It is an authentic and personal journey.

“It struck me how Europeans would come down sight unseen to India for weeks at a time to deal with a personal challenge like weight loss, substance abuse or worse, physical ailment relief because allopathic means had failed. Ayuveda has been around for 5000 years for a reason - it works because it is pure and is a way of life”, recalls Zak after opening Mandarin Oriental’s first destination spa in South Asia.

“They came for authenticity and curiosity and because the source of such knowledge is most effective in its purest form.  Wellbeing is attained with the Power of Place, indigenous knowledge and a coordinated union of Allopathic and Naturopathic Medicine.” There is a difference between Wellbeing, Wellness & Medical Tourism.

The Integrated Wellbeing healing system comprises six interwoven realms:


In the belief that the environment is healing private accommodations can be prescribed by your teacher, each unique to aid in one’s wellbeing objectives. Each possess a combination of stunning beauty, commissioned fine art, audio, illumination, aroma and furnishings often crafted locally — experientially designed allowing for multiple dining and therapeutic options.



More than medicinal ingredients, The Gyan Vihara Culinary Institute becomes a vital resource for being, living, and acting in a way that supports health for oneself and others using the Buddhist model of the Eight Fold Path, and the fourth of The Four Nobles Truths to delight, sustain, educate, nourish and heal. Menus are inclusive recognizing most diets based on exclusion rather than inclusion.



Local medicinal materials are propagated, harvested and prepared by hand within our permaculture. The integrated clinic is based on a place were the plant and pharmaceutical medicines continue to undergo comparative active ingredient documentation.



The ground on which all experiences during the stay are built: precious human birth, the nature of life is change, we plant seeds of our future happiness in the present, and we make a commitment to pursue a path of transformation for our own benefit and that of all now and in the future. The Sojourners Path is to drink, taste, feel, and absorb ecological, biological, and psychological nourishment with the sole purpose of serving and celebrating the innate inter-connection of the Oneness that is Life awakened.



The vibrant and healthy lifestyle practices of select indigenous cultures are a resource drawn upon by its people for wellbeing and harmony.  Our teachers create a bridge for the sojourner to become awakened by a balance of enlightenment, art, culture, beauty, wellbeing, recreation and responsibility to community and the environment to become a Resource for Life.



A coordinated union of Allopathic and Naturopathic Medicine that puts the patient at the center and addresses the full range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and environmental influences that affect a person’s overall wellbeing. Underpinning the Integrated Clinic for Wellbeing it services the traveler, employees and their community. 

The Noble Eight Fold Path guides the journey to wellbeing. It revolves around the practice of eight virtues with the objective of “cessation of sufferings”, and lays out the wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental discipline we need to exert to live an enlightening, fruitful life.


VIDEO: Example of the African Living Spa at Gibb’s Farm, Tanzania

Allopathic clinician with traditional Maasai healers and African Living Spa staff  in front of the staff Osero Forest Clinic.

Allopathic clinician with traditional Maasai healers and African Living Spa staff in front of the staff Osero Forest Clinic.

How would the Integrated Clinic for Wellbeing work as an employee’s clinic supporting the sojourner’s experience? From 2005 to 2011 the African Living Spa was developed at Gibb’s Farm Tanzaina. The reader of the archived website for the African Living Spa will recognize many of the key elements described above.

African Living Spa website link

Integrated Clinic for Wellbeing Core Competencies

Mandate: Development and provision what is likely the first integrated medical services in the region.  Establish the practical setting for certified practitioners to engage in the integration of naturopathic and allopathic healing.

Vision: Center of excellence in the design, development and promotion of Naturopathic (traditional) medical services as complimentary to Allopathic health care services. Certified naturopathic and allopathic practitioners become experienced in and perfect the integrated modalities of these healing systems. 

Mission: Provide high quality healthcare demonstrating effective integration of naturopathic and allopathic medicine.


  • Integrated medicine services are based on documented scientific evidence of compatible phyto and synthetic pharmaceutical materials and their use.

  • Preservation through utilization of indigenous healing modalities and related cultural norms.

  • Efficient delivery of quality Naturopathic and Allopathic medical services as discrete choices or as a combined approach based on scientific information.

  • Improve the quality of life and health of the sojourner, estate employees and their community.

  • Ensure sound permacultural practices in traditional medicine materials.