The power of Resource for Life is its grounding in authenticity. Often an over-used term, authenticity demands a direct connection to culture, art, architecture, and intention. With interactive community-building involvement and engagement, we actively pursue new ways to weave ourselves into the fabric of our neighborhoods. 

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A Japanese term for totally empowered anticipatory honest service rendered without pretentiousness or expectation of thanks.

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Instead of a patchwork of discrete elements managed in isolation, the Harmony Project’s Living-Museum adopts a holistic approach. It simultaneously conserves and sustainably develops the tangible and intangible heritage. The indigenous people are a repository of tangible and intangible heritage interpreted through the Living-Museum experience.

A harmonic balance of Adventure, Art In Life, A Sense of History, and A Sense of Place are interwoven to create a Living Museum. 

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Form follows emotion. Facility, activity, and emotion are aligned to make an experiential product. The design of our facilities does not overshadow the experience. It enhances it. Every space tells a unified story or lesson through commissioned fine art, grounding you in the sense of place. Our designs celebrate the inherent spirit of the local culture with authentic materials, construction, even technology. Accommodations are built for extended stays and multiple activities and moods. We find travelers don’t want to check out.

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